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What is Foot & heel balm? Foot & heel balm is highly effective

Treatment: Broken heel

Weight:  50gr

Origin: Austealia

Firm: DU "IT

Indications: Topical

Price: 23,00 USD

Product Name:  Foot & heel balm

Dosage Form:  Fat cream

Weight: 50gr

Ingredients: Contains urea .... 25%,

                        Vitamin E, AHAs.

Heel crack disease:  Fracture not only reduces the aesthetic factor, but also makes you suffer from pain, discomfort, and annoyance that it brings.


- Due to lack of water in the skin, the skin in the heel is dry and cracked.

- Due to having to stand for too long, plus the floor is rough and rough.

- Rapid weight gain and excess weight.

- Due to wearing shoes, shoes are not the right size.

- Due to a number of diseases such as diabetes, thyroid-related diseases, mycosis, Eczema

- In addition to the skin, cracked heels can also be caused by reasons such as age, lack of nutrients, and lack of vitamins and minerals.

How to Use:  Apply on chapped skin. Next, wear socks so that the medication can penetrate the rough skin more easily, without being rubbed by dust or other objects. You should wash your feet the morning after waking up. (The drug can be used in the heel to toe areas, fingertips or all areas of the hands or feet)

Note: the drug meets European quality standards. The drug has no side effects, it can be used for children, people with diabetes, women with ladders and breastfeeding.

Note: For skin treatment products, do not drink. Keep out of reach of children, carefully read the directions before 

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